Bohning 2

Bohning 2" Blazer Vane Color Combo 6 Color Combos Available Made in USA -36/Pack

Regular price $28.00 Sale

The Blazer® Vane is designed for steering fixed-blade broadheads and has been the #1 hunting vane for over 10 years! It's designed for fixed-blade broadheads but is also perfect for crossbows and 3D archery. The Blazer® Vane, with its unique design, begins steering and correcting immediately - making believers out of bow hunters and target shooters alike! The combination of the steep leading edge angle and its material properties enables air to flow over the vane in a manner that actually creates lift.

  • It measures 2" (50.8mm) in length, 0.57" (14.5mm) in height, and weighs an average of 6.0 grains (388.8 mg)
  • Pre-primed base for optimal adhesion
  • Color: White/American Flag, White/Hot Pink, White/Neon Green, White/Neon Orange, White/Neon Yellow, and White/Red
  • Quantity: 36/Pack
  • Proudly manufactured at the Bohning Factory in Lake City, Michigan, United States